in my family . . . Sure, they look sweet and innocent enough, but let me tell you, behind those sweet smiles, chubby cheeks, and innocent giggles are the well oiled workings of a full-blown terrorist ...Read More
which includes a couple of the speed bumps (blessings) in Erika’s path to earn her degree. Her family has been a rock this entire time; supporting her, loving her, and cheering her on. Whi...Read More
My sister, Erika, graduated from Eastern Oregon University last weekend. Her post-secondary education has been a winding path that started in Wisconsin, wound through Poland for several years, and f...Read More
because I’m just too darn cute! Or so she thinks anyway. The Principal at IHS has said that phrase many times, “She’s just too darn cute to say ‘no’ to!”, or someth...Read More
In case you hadn’t seen any of my messages or heard some other way, the Irrigon High School Lady Knights Softball Team won the 2A/1A State Championship Game yesterday, beating Union High School ...Read More
Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh! Huge sigh of relief! One more very big project is complete – the exterior paint. Mom and Dad came over last weekend and we painted...Read More
It seems to be the theme for many families these days – crazy, busy weeks packed with activities and Spring is flying by. Our family is no different, though it is nice that Emma and I are done...Read More
The members of the TOD Household had a very busy weekend. We started Thursday with Bear Day/Bear Night at the girls’ school. Bear Day is for K-2nd graders and Bear Night is for 3rd-4th grade...Read More
I have never given a second thought to which of their parents my kids resemble the most. At this moment in time if Emma were transported back in time 20 years, she could easily pass for me. Harley...Read More
Emma’s 8th Grade Graduation was Thursday evening. The kids had a class dinner followed by dessert with parents while they played a slideshow and listened to the class prophecy read by two of t...Read More
May 5 is a significant day for many reasons. Carnegie hall held its very first concert with Tchaikovsky as the guest conductor, Napoleon died while in exile, Christopher Columbus landed on and clai...Read More