The past eight months have been a real struggle for me. My self-esteem, pride, and emotions have taken a ride on what seems to be the craziest roller-coaster I’ve ever experienced. Every t...Read More
Lucy has made a new friend since we moved. She and my parents’ cat, Boots, became good friends as soon as Boots showed her who was boss. When one of their other cats, Fred, picks on Lucy, Boots ...Read More
Lucy has made a new friend since we moved. She and my parents’ cat, Boots, became good friends as soon as Boots showed her who was boss. When one of their other cats, Fred, picks on Lucy, Boots ...Read More
One of the hardest things, to me, about moving, is that all of the routines and “order” in my life kind of just go out the window. I am a very routine-oriented person, and I have a very ...Read More
Last week I moved. It was a day that relieved a lot of stress and worry for me and many people around me. Even with that positive result, though, it was very bittersweet and difficult. I hate leaving ...Read More
My mom and dad are pretty laid back. They like to relax, they’re not the hoity-toity type, and they love to be outside – working in the yard, golfing, camping, fishing, boating, whatever...Read More
There is a reason your rearview mirror is so small and windshield is so big; Where you are headed is much more important than what’s been left behind....Read More
Konrad and Reagan. Konrad is 353 days older than Reagan. A fact he is very quick to point out when they disagree. For the 12 days that they are the same age, however, Reagan is very quick to remin...Read More
. . . the kids (even the big kids) will play! Today while I was at work, Nana and Papa took Harley, Konrad, and Reagan to Morgan Lake to play in the boats. They had a great day playing in the sun an...Read More