My mom and dad are pretty laid back. They like to relax, they’re not the hoity-toity type, and they love to be outside – working in the yard, golfing, camping, fishing, boating, whatever.
For Christmas, I gave them a portrait session that they could redeem whenever they wanted because the last portrait they had together was on their 25th anniversary. They’re coming up on their 43rd. I am sure we’ll accomplish it some time this summer, but the semi-formal portrait I make of them won’t necessarily be as accurate as this picture.
Mom and Dad
Last night, we were all sitting out by the pond enjoying blackberry margaritas. The girls’ were unleaded, but ours weren’t, and they were yummy! Anyway, after a while, I moved to sit across the pond from them. I snapped this picture with my phone, and it demonstrates my parents perfectly. When I am not here and I imagine them, this is how they look. Comfy clothes, a glass of wine (margarita in this case), and hanging out together.
Setting a good example for your children takes all the fun out of middle age.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”