Our Spring Break was filled with softball for Harley and the Union-Cove LadyCats. Monday was the first scheduled JV game against Weston-McEwen. Harley walked once, had two singles, and hit a doubl...Read More
When we lived in Irrigon, Harley loved to play softball – it was her favorite sport. Unfortunately, though, she didn’t continue playing once we moved to Cove. Cove combines with Union ...Read More
This week, we had to construct a “set” and create a series of photographs utilizing the set. Since we have been playing Minecraft so much lately, I decided to make a set with a Creeper e...Read More
This term I am taking a studio photography class. I have a studio light, but I have never learned how to use it properly. One of my goals with this class is to learn how to use my light in all typ...Read More
For as long as I can remember, I have had this driving need to go. I don’t need to have a specific destination, I just need to go, as if I am always searching and never finding. There are t...Read More
Wrapped. The cupcakes for the girls’ school parties. Santa diving down the chimney and reindeer antlers. Simple. Cute. Perfect. AmyNature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. A...Read More
Tradition. My dad received his undergrad degree from Purdue University. This fall Harley and I were able to visit the campus during our trip to the FALL National Convention. AmyNature Girl. Mom. Wif...Read More
Green. One of my first successfully fused glass pieces. Soon after this it was in shards, but a few short weeks later and I have the hang of it (I think)! AmyNature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photogra...Read More
Window. The “window” in the top if the kiln is the one I spend most of my time looking through these days. Its amazing to open it up to a blast of hot, dry air and be able to see my projec...Read More
Peace. A beautiful, silent evening at the lake. AmyNature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist. To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche” seaofestrogen.com...Read More
Bright. The blank screen on my laptop staring at me while I try to write a paper but suffer from writer’s block. Not very festive, but its the brightes thing around. 😉 AmyNature Girl. Mom. Wi...Read More
The Waverly Sanatorium in Louisville, Kentucky. I took this picture with my cell phone last night while I waited outside (I’m a big, fat chicken) for the FFA kids I am chaperoning to go through ...Read More