This weekend I have been at a scrapbooking retreat, and I finally started working on Emma’s high school scrapbooks. Never mind that she graduates in two months. These retreats are fant...Read More
There’s nothing quite like an original Philly Cheese Steak from Geno’s! AmyNature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist. To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye R...Read More
One of the most satisfying, yet difficult things in life is raising your kids with roots AND wings. AmyNature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist. To borrow a phrase – ...Read More
I love that I am getting to experiment with different forms of pottery this term, and I love the way these plates turned out! I am not sure how practical they are, as I am positive I d...Read More
The Grande Ronde Valley. My home. Where my heart and soul belong AmyNature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist. To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche” seaofes...Read More
My first somewhat decent mug/tumbler/something on the wheel. Last winter, about three weeks into the term, I broke my arm snowboarding. As if that wasn’t bad enough in and of itself, I was takin...Read More
You can never get a serious (meaning “normal”) picture of the two of us without first getting several goofy ones! We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird, and when we find so...Read More
Christmas morning at our house always includes three things: 1. Orange Rolls and Cinnamon Rolls for breakfast, 2. Reagan playing Santa Claus, and 3. Lots of laughing. This year wasn’t any di...Read More
The girls and I celebrated Christmas with Todd’s family on Christmas Eve. We had a great, relaxing afternoon, dinner, opening gifts, and playing games. AmyNature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photo...Read More
While the girls were at their dad’s house this weekend, they asked that I get a tree so we could decorate when they got home. Dad and I got it put up, and when they got home last night,...Read More
Thank God Its Over! For my degree I had to take a beginning drawing class. I don’t like drawing, and I especially don’t like drawing when I don’t get to choose my subject(s). This is...Read More