Last Friday was my birthday, and the grils were very nice and let me sleep in. When I woke up, this “bouquet” of flowers was laying on the bed next to me. 🙂 Harley and Reagan had ...Read More
Did you know that the original tradition of Sadie Hawkins Dances started in the cartoon Lil’ Abner? In Li’l Abner, Sadie Hawkins was the daughter of one of Dogpatch‘s earliest settle...Read More
Isn’t this a great picture? Harley took it last weekend when we were in Enterprise watching Emma’s basketball games. She took it with my cheesy little point-and-shoot camera. I have been...Read More
I knew I would not find the definition of “Hot Mess” in Webster, so I turned to my trusted friend, Urban Dictionary. Hot Mess A derogatory term describing a situation, behavior, appearance...Read More
Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy,...Read More
38-years-ago today the pretty blonde lady in this picture became a mother – it just so happens it was to that super cute bald baby in the picture. This picture is from when we lived in Costa R...Read More
I have changed my mind a hundred times about whether or not I was going to write this post. I decided that to give myself more motivation and to hold myself accountable to the goals I’ve set, ...Read More
Crindalyn and Me This picture is from 3-1/2 years ago right before Crindalyn moved away to Long Beach, Washington. We spent part of a day together before she left just hanging out and saying goodbye...Read More
Erika Anne. Supportive. Loving. Mother. Sister. Daughter. Confidant. Co-conspirator. Smart – no, really – SCARY smart. Dedicated. Hard-working. Funny. Friend. Until the last year, we haven...Read More
I received this as an e-mail from Aaron’s mom and step-dad, Tom & Carol, today. I love it, and I thought it should be out in the open for all the mothers I know to see. Real Mothers don&#...Read More
I saw a quote on Facebook that one of my friends’ daughters said about her . . . it was, “Mom, you’re!” It’s the perfect description of my mom, and even-tho...Read More
I owe much to my friends; but, all things considered, it strikes me that I owe even more to my enemies. The real person springs life under a sting even better than under a caress. ~André Gide I s...Read More