that even though I managed just fine, crutches and a college campus do not get along well. I didn’t have any accidents, I’m just completely worn out from walking all over with them....Read More
I know I’ve said this probably a hundred times in the past few months, but I can not believe Emma is a JUNIOR in high school! I just can’t seem to get past the fact that she will be 17 i...Read More
Post-A-Day 2011: Explain the Name of Your Blog and Why You Chose It Growing up, I did not have a lot of friends who were girls for a couple reasons; there was only one other girl my age in our neigh...Read More
One of the tasks that gets done frequently at the golf course is changing the water coolers – exchanging fresh, cold water out for the coolers that have been used. When the weather is really h...Read More
of the Betts Gene The first part of the dose is the inherited clumsiness. I can’t walk across a flat piece of ground without tripping. The second part of the double dose is the stupid freak ...Read More
I have never been to the Pendleton Round-Up. Shocking, I know. I grew up in Eastern Oregon, and have never taken part in that tradition. Well, let me take that back. I have been to the Round-Up on...Read More
I have never been to the Pendleton Round-Up. Shocking, I know. I grew up in Eastern Oregon, and have never taken part in that tradition. Well, let me take that back. I have been to the Round-Up on...Read More
At the beginning of February, I wrote a post titled, Exposed and Vulnerable, where I discussed how unhappy I had become with the “fitness” of my body, not that I was necessarily unhappy wi...Read More
At the beginning of February, I wrote a post titled, Exposed and Vulnerable, where I discussed how unhappy I had become with the “fitness” of my body, not that I was necessarily unhappy wi...Read More