One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned over the past few months is how to work through and move beyond my fears. This knowledge has liberated me in how I handle adversity, and I am no longer b...Read More
I am just being me. AmyNature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist. To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche” More
I actually really do love snow. I love how quiet and peaceful it makes the world look, and how pretty it makes parts 0f our world that might not be so otherwise. Last night it snowed. I think ...Read More
What happens when a self-proclaimed Internet/Cell Phone/Social Media junkie has to unplug for a week? Completely. Cut-off. No compromise. At first, they panic. The wonder what they are going to do t...Read More
I’m feeling a bit lazy these days because I seem to mostly be posting a single picture with a caption, or a cartoon, or something similar, but I just haven’t had the time or energy to do m...Read More
For many reasons: Returning to school full-time. Girls’ activities (5 activities at the same time and only one me) Living two-plus hours away from Emma. Balancing my homework with girls homework...Read More
So says the Grammar Cop . . . AmyNature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist. To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche” More
I saw this on my friend Jeff’s Facebook page, and I had to post it to show my Grammar Cop parents . . . I guess I should add that if you ask my daughters, I qualify as a Grammar Cop, too! AmyNat...Read More
that even though I managed just fine, crutches and a college campus do not get along well. I didn’t have any accidents, I’m just completely worn out from walking all over with them. AmyN...Read More
Post-A-Day 2011: Explain the Name of Your Blog and Why You Chose It Growing up, I did not have a lot of friends who were girls for a couple reasons; there was only one other girl my age in our neigh...Read More
The past eight months have been a real struggle for me. My self-esteem, pride, and emotions have taken a ride on what seems to be the craziest roller-coaster I’ve ever experienced. Every t...Read More