1. Full name – Amy Jeanette Betts
2. Nickname – Velvet, Aim, Aimers, Bestie
3. Zodiac sign – Aquarius
4. Hobbies – Hunting, Camping, Photography
5. Hair – Brown
6. Eyes – Blue
7. Braces – Not anymore (in high school)
8. Tall or short – Tall
9. Sweats or jeans – Jeans
10. Orange or apple – Apple
11. Do you have a crush on someone – I’m too old for crushes.
12. Eat or drink –
13. Piercings – Ears, naval, tongue
14. Pepsi or coke – Diet Coke
Have you ever…
15. Been skinny dipping? Yes
16. Been in an airplane ? Yes
17. Been in a relationship ? Duh – again, I’m old.
18. Been in a car accident ? Yes
19. Been in a fist fight ? Yes
Firsts & Lasts
20. First piercing – Ears, 12 years old
21. First best friend – Marco Styringa
22. First award – Something for gymnastics
23. First crush – Jamie Eastland (like in 1st grade) LOL
24. First word – por-favor
25. Last person you talked to in person – Harley
26. Last person you texted – Dave
27. Last friend you watched a movie with – My girls – Eclipse last winter
28. Last food you ate – Apple
29. Last movie you watched – Bridesmaids
30. Last song you listened to – Taking Chances
31. Last thing you bought – MacBook Pro Laptop
32. Last person you hugged – My mom
33. Food? Tacos
34. Drink? Morning – Coffee, Lemonade
35. Flower? Gerber Daisies or Stargazer Lillies
36. Animal? Turtle
37. Color? Red
38. Place? Mountains
39. Movie? Down Periscope
40. Subject? History
Have you ever …
41. Fallen in love with someone? Yes
42. Celebrated Halloween? Yes
43. Went over the minutes/texts on your phone? Yes
44. Wanted to smack someone upside the head? Yes
45. Eaten a whole pizza? No
46. Did something you regret? Many many times
47. Broken a promise? Unfortunately, yes
48. Hid a secret? Yes
49. Pretend to be happy? Yes
Your future…
50. Want kids? No more than I already have.
51. Want to get married? Never again
52. Career? Graphic Design and Marketing
Which is better in the opposite gender?
53. Lips or eyes – Eyes
54. Shorter or taller – Taller
55. Romantic or spontaneous- Spontaneous
56. Hook up or relationship- Not something I’m even considering either way.
57. Looks or personality- Personality
Have you ever…
58. Lost glasses/contacts? Yes
59. Snuck out? Yes
60. Held a gun/knife for self defense? No
61. Broke someones heart? Unfortunately, yes
62. Been in love? Yes
63. Had your heart broken? Yes
Do you believe in ;
64. Yourself; Yes
65. Miracles; Yes
66. Love at first sight; No; lust at first sight, yes
67. Santa; Absolutely
68. Forever & Always; I used to
69. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Other than my girls, not really.
70. How long did this survey take you? 15 minutes

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”