I have a confession. I am not, by nature, a very patient person. I have such a hard time waiting for anything – especially if it is something I really really want. Sometimes, though, logic...Read More
So, remember THIS post, which was all about my friend, Yvette’s birthday? Turns out the gift her sister got her for her birthday was a trip to Las Vegas. Can you guess what my gift from Aaron ...Read More
In our extended family, three beautiful girlies celebrated birthdays this month. Our neice, Mya, turned 1 on the 19th, Katelyn turned 10 on the 17th, and Emma turned 14 on the 7th, so we decided to ...Read More
Katelyn turned 10 today! We celebrated with dinner and cake and ice cream, and then she got to open her gift from all of us. It was a very nice, relaxing evening – perfect for celebrating ou...Read More
This year for her birthday, Emma had a very specific thing she wanted to do. She wanted to invite a couple friends to go to lunch at Olive Garden, go to a movie, and go shopping at the mall. Satu...Read More
We had a birthday at our house last week. Harley hit double digits! I can’t believe its been 10 years since she was born. She was so frail, sickly, and tiny when she was born; it’s ama...Read More
Today, six years ago, I became a mother. Again. Harley became a big sister for the very first time. Emma had her third sister – and she was peeved the new baby was a sister, let me tell you (she...Read More