Last Saturday, Harley, Reagan, and I went to Heppner to watch Emma’s last home basketball games of the season. Harley spent most of the night playing with my friend Sandi’s grand-da...Read More
The IHS Cheerleading Squad has grown exponentially over the past five years. It has grown from approximately 4 cheerleaders to 14, and it has grown from a very small program to a large competition-w...Read More
Today’s prompt fo the Post-A-Day 2011 project is not one that I am comfortable answering right now, so I decided to find my own topic. As I was going through my daily blog reading, I came acro...Read More
Harley is playing Columbia Youth Basketball this year (I’ll post game pictures later), and Reagan is participating in a 6-week skills camp put on by CYB, as well. Friday night at the last IHS ...Read More
Post-A-Day 2011: What part of life confuses you the most? Confusion is a funny thing. As I tried to think about what it was about life that confused me, I couldn’t think of anything. I was...Read More
When it comes to holiday parties at school for the girls, I usually have really grandiose ideas and plans, but I generally don’t plan well and end up doing something different in the long run. ...Read More
Post-A-Day 2011: Share one thing that you learned recently. This is such an easy post for me. I actually learned several new things recently, and it involves the sugar cookies I made for the girls...Read More
The prompt for the Post-A-Day 2011 today is an interesting one: If you could go back in time and have a 5 minute conversation with yourself ten years ago, what would you say? As soon...Read More
Emma raises pigs for 4-H. My sister is a store manager for Wal-Mart in Kennewick. Emma needs to feed her pigs. Erika’s store had a WHOLE BUNCH of deer corn that became out-dated and they coul...Read More
At Reagan’s school, the students have an extra incentive to have good attendance. For each week they have perfect attendance, their name goes into a drawing for the chance to win a prize. Re...Read More
At Reagan’s school, the students have an extra incentive to have good attendance. For each week they have perfect attendance, their name goes into a drawing for the chance to win a prize. Re...Read More