Post-A-Day 2011: Share one thing that you learned recently.
This is such an easy post for me. I actually learned several new things recently, and it involves the sugar cookies I made for the girls for their Valentine’s Day parties.
First, I have to give a plug to THIS book. The Best Recipe Book by the Editors of Cooks Illustrated Magazine. Not only does it have great recipes, but it details the processes the test kitchens went through to get to the end-recipe result. I used their rolled butter cookie (basically a stiffer sugar cookie dough) recipe. It is FANTASTIC!
Until this weekend, I had never made Royal Icing before, so I was a bit intimidated because I knew it could be troublesome. Luckily for me, though, I follow The Pioneer Woman’s blog, and before Christmas, she had a post detailing how to make and use Royal Icing. She had Bridget from Bake at 350 over to demonstrate at her ranch, so I used all the information from their two blogs. Also part of the post was learning how to use Royal Icing to make flood icing, so I did that, too, and that is what I used for the colors on the hearts.
I love learning new things, and I am finding more and more that my distaste for cooking and doing things in the kitchen is from boredom. I am finding that trying and learning new things is keeping me in the kitchen more, and I am actually loving it!
Bake at 350’s Royal Icing Recipe
Pioneer Woman’s Decorated Christmas Cookie Blog Post

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”