Wednesday night the parents (read: MOM’s) held a taco-feed team & family dinner at Heppner High School for the varsity girls’ basketball team. Each mom brought something to contribut...Read More
Post-A-Day 2011: What gets better with age? Life. I remember being in my mid-twenties thinking nothing could get better than life at that point. I was pretty carefree, enjoyed having a good time, ...Read More
Before the Blue Mountain Conference District Basketball Tournament last week I made star shaped cookies for both the Heppner teams. I figured that it was something simple but fun that I could do for...Read More
The Heppner teams received a gift to be used as one final tribute to Coach Mark Dowdy. They were given basketball ball patches to be sewn onto their uniforms. Each patch has the initials “MD...Read More
Post-A-Day 2011: How do you decide when a post is ready to publish? Most of my blogging is made up of pictures and updates about the activities my family is up to, so each post generally has a logi...Read More
I have found that no matter what my activities are, my clumsiness follows me like a lost puppy. It’s that proverbial bad penny that keeps turning up no matter how hard you try to get rid of it...Read More
Janie is AWESOME! I have known her since she was in 7th grade, which seems like just yesterday, and now in a few short months, she will be graduating and heading off to Gresham and Mt. Hood Communit...Read More
Reagan’s list of heroes has grown exponentially over the past year. Until last Fall, her list was pretty short, and it was pretty easy to understand. Her biggest sister, Emma, was on top of ...Read More
Post-A-Day 2011: Describe the best road trip you’ve ever taken. Road trips. Everyone has taken one at one point or another in their life. Sometimes road trips are taken out of necessity &#...Read More
Post-A-Day 2011: When you’re feeling down, what music cheers you up? I like this question for a lot of reasons. Music plays an integral role in all our lives, more than we realize most of th...Read More