People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates. ~Thomas Szasz The phoenix is a mythical sacred firebird t...Read More
I was washing windows and our deck today, and I didn’t think about the kittens under the deck. Once I remembered them, Katelyn and I crawled under the deck and rescued them. The two orange kitte...Read More
I was washing windows and our deck today, and I didn’t think about the kittens under the deck. Once I remembered them, Katelyn and I crawled under the deck and rescued them. The two orange kitte...Read More
This weekend is the Jeremy Howard Memorial Softball Tournament. Stormy & Jeff’s softball team was participating, so I watched Karsyn for them. We spent time at their house and my house i...Read More
I am revisiting THIS post from December 29. Sometimes God calms the storm. At other times, he calms the sailor. And sometimes he makes us swim. ~Author Unknown Today, I’m Not Drowning. I a...Read More
I am revisiting THIS post from December 29. Sometimes God calms the storm. At other times, he calms the sailor. And sometimes he makes us swim. ~Author Unknown Today, I’m Not Drowning. I a...Read More
I am revisiting THIS post from December 29. Sometimes God calms the storm. At other times, he calms the sailor. And sometimes he makes us swim. ~Author Unknown Today, I’m Not Drowning. I a...Read More
Our team name for the 3 Rivers race was “Old and Bold”. Harley drew a picture of an old man with a cane as the “O” in Old, and a young, strong man as the “O” in B...Read More
I’ve mentioned on Facebook that the race was to raise money for domestic violence support services in Union, Baker, and Wallowa Counties. I will post later why this is such an important thing ...Read More
Post-A-Day 2011: Weekly Photo Challenge – Numbers I’ve been trying to figure out what type of image to post for this challenge, but I wasn’t able to come up with any ideas I loved....Read More