One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned over the past few months is how to work through and move beyond my fears. This knowledge has liberated me in how I handle adversity, and I am no longer b...Read More
I spent the weekend in Forest Grove at the 1A/2A State Championship Volleyball Tournament watching my oldest daughter and her team compete. The girls all did great, and the team placed 5th overall whi...Read More
Harley and I went to Heppner yesterday to watch Emma’s volleyball state playoff game against Oakridge. I (as usual) was taking pictures of the game. Before the game started, though, I was ad...Read More
I actually really do love snow. I love how quiet and peaceful it makes the world look, and how pretty it makes parts 0f our world that might not be so otherwise. Last night it snowed. I think ...Read More
I took this picture this summer when the girls and I were on a hike up near Anthony Lakes. I love that you can see the individual lines on the butterfly’s antanae....Read More
an·tic·i·pa·tion noun (ˌ)an-ˌti-sə-ˈpā-shən Definition of ANTICIPATION 1 a : a prior action that takes into account or forestalls a later action b : the act of looking forw...Read More
Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful; for beauty is God’s handwriting – a wayside sacrament. Welcome it in every fair face, in every fair sky, in every fair...Read More
My friend, Crindalyn, and I are very much alike. I was teasing her the other day about something and realized it was something I do all the time, too. Because of that, I’ve started referring t...Read More
What happens when a self-proclaimed Internet/Cell Phone/Social Media junkie has to unplug for a week? Completely. Cut-off. No compromise. At first, they panic. The wonder what they are going to do t...Read More