For all three of my girlies, as with most kids around Eastern Oregon, today was the first day back to school after summer break. I love the first day of school each year; it signifies the opportunities that await my daughters, and their processes of learning, growing, and maturing. I love the excitement they have for seeing their friends again combined with the nervousness of the “new” that is involved, as well. Most of all, I love watching my girls grow, develop, and mature into the precious young ladies they are.
Today was the first day of school. First day of fifth grade. First day of eighth grade, and first day of twelfth grade. Three unbelievable firsts that will remain in my memory (and hopefully theirs) forever!
This year also marked a year of three “lasts” – one of which is BIG. I mean H.U.G.E. big! Today, Reagan started her last year of elementary school, Harley started her last year of junior high school, and Emma walked into her first day of school at high school for the very last time. I have a fifth grader, eighth grader, and a SENIOR?!?!? Holy cow! I know it is way overused, but I really can’t figure out where the past 12 years of school went, and how my chubby, bald baby girl morphed into the stunning, slender, TALL young lady she has become!
It is kind of bittersweet that Emma is grown and going to be moving on to college in a year, but the possibilities are endless for her, and the excitement of it all outweighs any sadness I have ever felt!

Heppner High School
Harley is my odd-ball. She has dark hair and dark eyes. She is my one and only brown-eyed-girl, and she is amazing! She is a fun-loving, laid-back, beautiful girl, and she has only greatness in her future!

Cove Community School
I don’t know where to even start with Reagan. She is spunky, sassy, energetic, and always keeps me on my toes. I know that whatever she takes on has no chance of fighting back against her tenacious personality. She is my little firecracker!

Cove Community School
No first day of school pictures would be complete without a full-length view of the outfits. Hours scouring the closet, spent fixing hair, and looking “just” right for the first day have to be shown off!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”
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