I made a decision this week that was very hard for me. It was a difficult decision because it wasn’t one that affected my life directly, though the ramifications of it probably will. I struggled because I knew the people who were going to be affected the most were people I am close to, and people I am in frequent contact with. I made the decision based on my personal beliefs, morals, and values. I am standing up for something I believe in; something I know is the right thing to do. I can look at myself in the mirror every morning and I am happy with the person I see before me.
I have integrity. I have character. I have ideals. Most of all, I HAVE SELF RESPECT.
I hope that some good comes of the turmoil I am experiencing this week. I hope that lessons are learned, that responsibility is taken, and that wrongdoing is admitted.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”