Sunday, Reagan and I got to spend almost the entire day together, and it was AWESOME! All three of her older sisters had plans with friends or family for the day, and she was the only one left at home. She was feeling pretty left out and her nose was a little out of joint, so I told her I’d be her friend for the day and we could do whatever she wanted. She said she wanted to pack a lunch, go on a hike, have a picnic, and go fishing. That’s what we did. We packed our lunch, hiked the McNary Nature Trails, and fished. We didn’t actually catch anything, but a really nice older guy fishing near us let her reel in one of his fish.
I had a great day connecting with my baby girl, and she had a great day with her mommy.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”