Emma’s softball season is underway. She was having a hard time at first being excited about playing after the first few weeks at practice, but this week, she has had a complete turnaround. Monday night, she played Rover and Second Base. She had a couple great plays, and she finally realized how exciting softball can be.
I’m glad she is adventurous enough to try new things and decide for herself whether or not she likes them instead of relying on other peoples opinions.
A little pep talk from the coach before her turn at bat.
With her good friend, Jessica.
Tomorrow is the last day of work for me this week (YAY), unless you count the pre-district track meet Friday. Irrigon is hosting the meet at Riverside, and I am working as the meet director.
My 93-year-old grandmother flew into Boise today to visit for a week. My parents picked her up and headed back to Cove. We will all be heading there for a family picnic on Saturday, and I can’t wait! I haven’t seen her for about four years, and Reagan was only one year old. I am excited for the girls to have a chance to meet and connect with their great-grandmother.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”