Now, before I start any stories about how boys just never grow up, I will say, in their defense, these grown up boys were being boys to keep all our little girlies cool and having fun in the water. So, that said, here goes . . .
So, tell me, Jason, what exactly are you doing up in that tree? Oh, you have a rope? Wow, that doesn’t look dangerous at all, as you lean over the creek while you’re 20′ off the ground.

The girls all actually loved the swing, and each of them took several turns on it. Even Reagan tried it a couple times, though she never did let go and land in the water, she had to be “reeled” back in because she was scared to drop off (even with Mike standing right there in the water). What a great way for the kids to entertain themselves.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”