Welcome to To Do Tuesday May 2!
Christine at Stitch ALL The Things hosts To Do Tuesday. TDT is a great weekly motivator to finish projects and (for me) to keep my To Do List manageable.
My list from April 25:
1. Sew Senior Class May Day Dresses
It is May! Let the frantic end-of-the-year/graduation activities begin! We had another busy week, though I was expecting it to be slower. Between golf and softball practices, physical therapy, and work, it doesn’t seem like we were home much at all. Saturday, Todd and I bought a new car for me, and I absolutely love it! It is a 2013 Volkswagon Passat, and it is amazing!
1. Senior Class May Day Dresses
DONE!!! I have been counting wrong this entire time, and there were actually ten dresses to make, not nine. I think I kept forgetting to count Harley.
The dresses are all finished, and the May Day Celebration is this coming Thursday. I cannot wait to get pictures of the girls in their dresses. One dress is completed except for the hem. I am making the dresses assembly-line style by pattern. The girls didn’t all select the same dress, so I made the Made for Mermaids Mama Quinn, Patterns for Pirates Timeless Tunic Dress and Sweetheart Dress, and Bella Sunshine Designs Maggie Dress.
I am really bummed because I forgot to take pictures of all the dresses together and finished before I delivered them to the girls last Thursday.
Now I have to regroup and decide what I am going to work on next. There will definitely be some selfish sewing coming on, along with a graduation gift for Harley. Sunday afternoon I did make time to sneak in this selfish sew. I am not normally a lace person, but this fabric and lace came together in a bundle and I forced myself to use them together. I am so glad I did! This is the new Favorite Tee from Patterns for Pirates. I made the hemmed shirt length, and it has this awesome split hem detail.
My To Do List is going to remain short until these dresses are finished!
1. Take pictures at May Day & Write a Wrap-Up Post
2. Harley’s Graduation Gift
3. Take stock of fabric stash and create a summer capsule wardrobe plan
What are you working on this week?

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”
Hi Amy,
I will definitely look for your update next week – I want to see all the girls in your dresses! How nice that you can do that for them – and then add graduation to your plate and I will bet it is a busy month! Thanks for visiting my website. ~smile~
I am excited to see all the girls together tomorrow and get pictures! Yes, now it’s on to the next big thing – graduation and softball. Harley’s softball team has played in the state championship game two out of the last three years, and is likely to be back again this year. If so, graduation will be put on the back burner because the championship game is the same day as graduation. 🙂 Right now we’re just taking the planning one day at a time.
Congrats on completing the May Day dresses! Can’t wait to see them! Oh, and your split hem t-shirt is fantastic, great design.
Thank you, very much! The girls all looked lovely in their dresses tonight!
TEN dresses plus all of the other activities?! WOW! You have been super busy! Love that shirt with the lace trim. The first thing I fell in love with (other than that pop of lace) was that the back was long enough to cover the waist band, plus some. It looks like it won’t ride up, which is always a problem for me. Definitely looking into that pattern! Well done!!
YES! The back is long enough to cover the waistband plus some, but I made the shirt length. It also comes in tunic length, I believe.