Finally! Writing this 2016 Wrap-Up & 2017 Goals post has been a looming project forever! I feel like I have thought about this post forever, but I haven’t been able to get it out of my head. 2016 was a hard year for us, and I think that is a huge contributing factor to me feeling like writing this post. In addition, with my upcoming surgery, sewing time has been at a maximum, which means computer time has been limited.
My goals for 2016 were pretty simple, both for the blog and personally.
- Post at least once weekly
- Stick with the Try Something New Every Month project
- Finish Craftsy Class – The Sassy Librarian Blouse
- Organize and Prioritize Sewing Projects
- Establish an Editorial Calendar and stick to it
- Work ahead
Looking back on a year that I thought wasn’t very successful has helped me to see that, I actually did really well accomplishing my goals.
1. Post At Least Once Weekly
During 2016, I wrote 122 blog posts, which works out to about two per week, which is definitely above my once-per week goal. I am thrilled! Granted, some weeks there might have been four posts, and there were a couple periods where I went several weeks without posting at all. However, it all works out, and I am excited to be writing consistently.
2. Stick With The Try Something New Every Month Project
I joined a monthly group called Try Something New Every Month. The idea was very basic – try something new craft-related every month. The organizers of the group, Stephanie and Rebecca, had a list of subjects to try as a suggestion, but I decided to create my own list because there were so many sewing-related techniques I had never tried but wanted to.
I am really happy with the results I had with the project, and I finished 10 out of 12 projects. I was not able to complete the projects for August – Make a Bodice Sloper or September – Hat & Mask making; however, I have started both projects, and they are in my current list of WIPs. To read about all my other projects, check out my Try Something New Every Month posts. This project is not continuing as a group again this year, but I am going to attempt to continue to try something new periodically this year.
3. Finish Craftsy Class – The Sassy Librarian Blouse
This goal was a complete failure. I had the fabric purchased to make this pattern, and I ended up using it to make something entirely different. I am keeping this project in my list of items I want to make, but I’m not going to make it another goal.
4. Organize and Prioritize Sewing Projects
At the beginning of the year, I had a a ton of projects either in progress or ready to start, but they were not organized. Neither was my fabric stash. I spent a ton of time going through all my fabric, weeding some out, and creating specific projects for what I kept. After significantly reducing my stash, I made lists of my stash, including yardage and potential project, and projects including fabric to use that could be cross referenced against one another. I talked at length about the process here: Getting it Together.
5. Establish an Editorial Calendar and Stick to It
Ultimate Fail. I didn’t even establish an editorial calendar. I did; however, stick to a pretty regular posting schedule with To Do Tuesdays. I guess that somewhat counts as part of an Editorial Calendar since I was posting on the same day about the same-ish topics weekly.
6. Work Ahead
Working ahead, for me, was hit and miss. Sometimes I did really well getting projects finished, photographed, and written about before they were due. There were multiple times, though, during the year, that I was scrambling to get projects finished and photographed at the last minute.
2017 Goals
While reviewing 2016, I thought about some goals I am setting for myself for 2017. Some are similar, if not the same to my 2016 Goals, but I am adding in a few more specific ones now that I am regularly taking part in pattern testing and promoting some of my affiliate partners.
1. Post at least once weekly
Now that I have an established routine with To Do Tuesdays, I think this will be pretty easy to accomplish. I am also going to add a Finished Friday post each week, where I can talk about the projects I worked on during the week. Even though I am getting started late on both of them this year, I am confident they will be successful!
2. Establish and Editorial Calendar and stick to it
This goal is partially met already! I have established that I will be posting To Do Tuesdays and Finished Fridays weekly. I would like to add a monthly tutorial post, and possibly a monthly round-up post, as well.
3. Narrow down affiliate partners and pattern testing
I feel like I was all over the place last year when it came to working with affiliate partners, and I pattern tested for anyone who would accept my application. It’s not that I don’t like working with any of the companies, specifically, in fact, they are all amazing. I have been able to find my personal style and voice over the last year, and I know that some brands and companies are more cohesive to my voice and style than others.
4. Work ahead and stay organized
Like I said above, working ahead worked some times, and some times it didn’t. I am actively trying to work ahead both with projects and writing posts so I am not scrambling at the last minute. I am a horrible procrastinator, and I think this is the one goal I will have the most trouble with. Procrastination will not win! Part of staying organized is the ongoing tracking of my projects and fabric stash. I am going to try not to purchase fabric unless it is earmarked for a specific project, and I am going to work through my stash as much as I can.
Once again, I am going to utilize my daily planner to help me keep on track with my goals and Editorial Calendar. Changing habits is hard, but I am determined to meet my goals and stop procrastinating!
What goals have you set for this year?

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”
When we write everything down it’s so great to see our actuale accomplishments. You’ve had an amazing year! I was wondering if I should stop doing To-Do Tuesday, if it really mattered much… but after reading your post I realized that it also helps ME to post once a week. I think right now I’m in a bit of a rut, given that my plans for the year went wildly off track. That’s not a bad thing, I’ve just had trouble adjusting. And figuring out how to re-work my plan. I think 2017 may be the year of floundering for me…LOL!!
Seriously though, I have enjoyed reading all of your posts and seeing your work throughout 2016. I’m very much looking forward to the rest of your 2017!