Even though we finished all three of the rooms we made out of The Garage at the same time, I felt like I needed to break the remodel of the garage up into four separate posts because of the amount of work that went into it. This was by far the most work-intensive part of the remodel since we essentially took one big space and turned it into three separate spaces – the Master Bathroom, Master Bedroom, and the Laundry Room. This post is going to be dedicated to the changes we made after we made the changes to the structure and “guts” of the garage, and then I will follow with the posts for the Master Bathroom and Laundry Room.
After we got the different elements of the framing built, we started running the electricity to the bedroom. Todd installed can-lights (into the pre-existing sheetrock), and we added the bracing and wiring for a ceiling fan. Harley and Reagan helped install the electrical boxes – one thing is for sure, we are not short of electrical outlets. Todd’s brother, Troy, was a lifesaver with all the electrical changes we made on our house. He helped make sure none of us (I should say “them” because I never touched it – I’m terrified of electricity) electrocuted themselves, and he helped Todd with whatever questions he had.
After the electricity was finished, we insulated the walls and got ready for the sheetrock crew. They were amazing! They had the entire garage hung, taped, and textured in two days. It would have taken us weeks to get all that done!
Todd left the paint color up to me, and I wanted something calm, soothing, and NOT white, so I chose this very pale blue. I love it, and I love how subtle it is!
After we finished the paint, we had to take a break for a while because we were using the room to store the tools and supplies for the rest of the rooms. We didn’t have to wait long, and we were able to start on the flooring. Todd is the floor installation King – he did such a great job on our entire house; it looks amazing!
YAY, it’s time to move in! We started the remodel the last weekend in March, and Todd and I moved in the second week of June. Not too shabby! Moving in was tough for me because I was used to having a closet and a half all to myself, but our bedroom is small and we don’t have room for a large closet so we share. A friend of mine recommended we look into updating the items we have in our room, now that we completely redone it. Changing the bedding and doing some research into which is better, a leesa vs casper mattress would be beneficial. She looked into the same thing and she said she made the best decision ever. I really had to purge my clothes and shoes, and I hated it; however, a year later now, and I am finding that there aren’t many things I got rid of that I am missing.
We have not done a whole lot to change the room since we moved in, but the projects that are left are just cosmetic, not necessary. We still need to hang pictures so our walls don’t look so bare, but that will be a great project for this winter. Lium and Pip approve of the new room, and they love sitting on our pillows looking out at the action on the street.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”
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