I don’t quilt a lot, but I am finding that I enjoy it quite a bit; however, when it comes to sewing, though I still prefer making garments.
I recently started using a FREE website called Pattern Jam, and the owner, Emily, was holding a contest to create an original quilt design using a fabric line she designed for Riley Blake Designs called Chatsworth. I have made quilts before, but I have never created one of my own design from scratch.
I decided to try my luck at it, and designed this quilt:
I was in utter shock, to say the least, when Emily posted the Chatsworth Design Winners, and I learned that my design had been chosen as the Runner Up! Staci, from Vintage Fairytale Fabrics created the winning design, and she will be receiving her quilt fully made and ready to use. Her quilt is beautiful, and definitely worth checking out.
As the runner-up, I received the fabric from the pattern I created so that I could make the quilt I designed! I rarely win anything, but to win something like this with the free fabric is just amazing! I have been busy this week, and I am just getting around to posting about the fabric. I got home late Monday night to some seriously awesome happy mail!
This fabric is absolutely beautiful, and I cannot wait to start using it! I must admit, though, I am a little terrified about cutting it incorrectly and screwing it up.
I have so little experience with quilting that I probably would not have selected any of these on my own if I had seen them while perusing a fabric store, but I absolutely love them. They are rich and beautiful, and I am learning to combine patterns and colors I might not normally think of.
Since this is an actual project imagined, designed, and created by me, I plan on blogging each step of the process, from cutting and sewing through layering and quilting. I can’t wait!
So, Pattern Jam.
Anyone who is interested in designing their own quilt should definitely be using the site. The site is set up that you can design a quilt with different blocks, add fabrics, and then publish the design. The site has a huge library of fabric choices to use, and favorites can be added to your personal “stash” for quick reference. Once the design is published, you can print a PDF pattern that indicates exactly how much fabric you will need for the quilt.
Here’s a few of my other designs.
This one is based on a pattern by Amy Smart called Brickyard. I used a fabric collection called Pie Making Day to create this one.
This quilt is based on another Amy Smart pattern called Craftsman. I used various polka dot fabric for this one.
This is probably my favorite quilt of the few that I have designed. It uses a fabric collection called Nocturne by Moda Fabrics. The pattern is a little deceiving, though, as each block actually has four different fabrics in it rather than just the two shown.
Go sign up and check it out! Right now, Pattern Jam is running a special. If you sign up, design, and save a quilt you can get a free month of the premium membership. Plus, if five people sign up using the referral link below, I earn free fabric!
I don’t have a very big fabric stash since I am not typically a quilter, but what I do have is destined to be used quickly now!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”
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