Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be.
~ Grandma Moses
Not too long ago, I posted about how hard it was for me to watch Reagan struggle with swimming when it was so easy for the other girls and me. I worried because I want her to be a strong swimmer. I worried because I don’t want her to ever feel like she’s not good at something.
Mostly, though, I worried because I was concerned that there was more to her not being able to swim than a simple coordination issue. I worried that there was something deeper lurking that was causing her issues because it’s not just the learning to swim. Last year was the first time we had problems with her behavior in school (other than the basic talking too much), and I worried there was something “wrong” with her.
So far (yes, I know, it’s only the third day) the school year is wonderful. We have HUGE smiles every night when we get home, she’s happy to go to school in the mornings, and she is generally back to being my wonderful, sweet little girl (even though she drives me to drink some times).
I am happy. I am still worried, but not as much. Like Grandma Moses, I’m following the “life is what we make it” philosophy this year.
I can decide to dwell on Reagan’s struggles, or I can champion her achievements.
I know what I am going to be trying the hardest to do, and I know that will make both our school years so much more wonderful!
So now we get to the Soccer part of all this. With swimming, her struggles center around not being able to coordinate the movements of her arms and legs. She can do each individually, but not both at the same time. Enter the Irrigon Soccer program. They were short on girls this year, and one of our friends asked if we would let Reagan play. After talking to PE teachers, they thought soccer might be good for her, and the skills she learned would help her in the classroom.
I have to admit, I was hopeful, but very skeptical.
I was so wrong, and I’ve never been so happy to be wrong.
Reagan has taken to soccer like a duck to water (sorry, couldn’t resist). She loves it, and I love how much energy it helps her get rid of! Last night was the first time I was able to watch her play, and I was so impressed with how well she did! Their whole team did great, and they won 5-0!
Trinity, Nikki, Reagan, Madi, and Cousin Bailey cheering.
Cousin Brooke is on her team, too!
Awesome job, Baby Angel! We love you!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”
so happy that she found her “thing”! Go Reagan!
My in-laws are both teachers and my MIL used to tease my FIL about spending class time doing things like playing catch. She’s since had to eat her words because there’s tons of research on the connection between motor skills and acedemic skills. So it’s no wonder school is going better for her. Even her struggles with swimming probably help.
What an amazing Mom you are Amy, you and your girls are blessed to be witnesses and cheerleaders in each others’ lives! I say this from first hand experience with all your girls (except Miss Em) they are delightful, endearing and an absolute pleasure to be in the company of! You can tell they have a very tight, supportive network of family and friends! So, hats off to all of you!