For once, I can say that work on the new house has slowed down. It has slowed down for probably a couple of months – at least until Spring when we can paint the exterior and start working on the landscaping. There are very few things that my parents and Tom are going to finish before my parents go home for good. It is so exciting to finally be at this stage in the process, where the work being done isn’t the house being built, but it’s the home being made. We’re working to get unpacked, moved in, settled down, and back into a routine.
The front deck steps are being built; they’re almost done.
All the window sills are installed, holes filled, and touch-up painting done.
The pantry shelves have been painted and we’ve started unpacking the boxes of food. The linen closet shelves are done, as well.
My dad has spent the week installing the Master Closet organization system, and then Aaron & I spent 1/2 an hour filling itp and making it a mess. 🙂 Obviously we still have a whole bunch of work to do, but at least we don’t have to go clear to the other side of the house to get our clothes out of the girls’ closets anymore.
Wednesday, my mom sealed all the grout in the house except our shower, and I did that when I got home from work. Both our shower and bathtub are now functioning. I was able to take my first shower in our bathroom this morning, and it was WONDERFUL!
Just a few little loose ends to tie up and Mom, Dad, and Luna will be heading home.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”