Well, okay, so maybe we haven’t been painting the town, but we sure have been painting the house! We are excited about the colors we’ve chosen, and we love the way the house is looking! When the sheetrock, tape, and texture were finished, it was amazing how much more like a house it felt like, but now, adding the paint – adding our own personalities – to the walls, it feels so much more like “home”. Reality is setting in as we’ve realized there really isn’t very much time left before we move in.
The first rooms that got painted were the Great Room/Kitchen (the main living areas of the house), and the Master Bedroom. The Great Room is a beautiful, subtle tan called Pecan Sandies. My sister, Erika, happened to be in town the day we were painting the Great Room, so she helped out, too. I wish we got to see her more often, but between all of her family’s activities and our family’s activities, it’s tough. I’ll take what I can get! The Foyer is a stark contrast to the light tan of the Great Room. We wanted it to stand out and be distinctive, so we chose a deep, dark brown called Sable Brown for the entryway.
The Master Bedroom is a deep blue called Cool Dusk. The Master Bathroom is also blue, but it’s a much lighter shade (even though it doesn’t look like it in the pictures) called Viking. The third picture here is the Master Bath. That’s my whirlpool tub on the floor there – I can’t wait to use that sucker!
After painting the Dining Room once, we decided it was too yellow-green, too bright, so we painted over it a deeper, bluer shade called Sagey, and we’re so happy we did. It’s beautiful. All my dark dining room furniture will look stunning in there. There is a little “nook” that is the perfect size for the hutch built by my great grandfather.
The girls’ bathroom is a beautiful, bright cheery yellow. Subtle, and not overwhelming. It will look so nice once it’s complete.
Our Family Room is called Porpoise. Yup, it’s gray. The gray was Aaron’s idea, and I wasn’t convinced at first, but now that it’s on the wall and I have researched other “gray” rooms, I love it! It’s not a dark, gloomy gray, it’s actually very warm and inviting.
Finally, my office is a very pale, buttery cream called Country Dairy. There aren’t any windows in this room, so it needed to be very bright, but I didn’t want to leave it white. We’re very pleased with the way it turned out!
Last Sunday, the girls were able to start painting their rooms. We had them pick out their new bedding first, and then pick their paint color from colors in the bedding. They all picked bedding that completely fit their personalities. I’m so proud that I have daughters who aren’t afraid to express themselves, who are confident, and who are individuals!
Harley’s bedding is light and dark turquoise and dark brown. Her wall colors are a dark chocolate called Revival Mahogany and a light turquoise called Cloudless. I really liked the color combination until her room was complete, and then I completely fell in love with it! It is so “Harley”! There will be a white chair-rail dividing the two colors all the way around the room.
Katelyn’s bedding is many different colors, but mainly lavendar, yellow, and turquoise. She chose a lavendar paint called Posies for Pooh (it’s a Disney Color), and a pale yellow called Main Street Lights. In reality, the yellow is much more pale than it shows up here, and the combination is stunning! It just fits her. Katelyn’s room will also have a white chair rail dividing the colors.
Emma and Reagan found this bedding, which is gorgeous! It has every color under the sun in it, and rather than choose to use a pale version of one of the colors, they chose bright saturated hues! Since they have a spot between their closets that has a window in it, we are building a small window seat there. They decided they wanted that area to stand out, so they wanted to paint it an accent color different from the rest of the room. Their turquoise color is called Gem Turquoise, the lime green is a shade called Tart Apple, and their window seat area is a very bright pink called Satin Ribbon. The colors in the pictures below are pretty acurate – you almost need sunglasses to go in their room. I love it! I think that once the chair rail is up, and they’re moved in, it will just be fantastic looking! It is so vibrant and energetic, just like their personalities!
Over the past month or so, there have been a couple of times the older girls didn’t want to go to the property, and Reagan tends to get left out when they all stay home, so she’s come to the property and worked. Her job has been to be the official picture taker. She has a bag of coloring stuff and craft stuff to entertain herself, and when we need her to take a picture, she does and she does a great job. HOWEVER, apparently she’s figured out how to take pictures of herself, too because I found these when I downloaded my dad’s camera; two self-portraits, and a picture of one of her “creations”. Silly little turkey!
Well, after painting is when the really fun stuff starts – cabinets, electrical fixtures, flooring, etc. I’ll have more updates soon!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”