I have this beautiful, blonde-haired, blue-eyed baby girl who goes and goes and goes full-speed ahead until she crashes. Most of the time she makes it all day and crashes into bed at night, but sometimes it becomes painfully obvious that she is going to crash way before bedtime is even near. She doesn’t have meltdowns very often, but when they do, we just snuggle down together to “talk” and before long, it’s lights out. This summer she’s had more meltdowns than normal, and I wasn’t sure why until I remembered how much we’re working on the new house and she’s just going as fast as she can all the time.
She’s the girl who melts my heart when she’s sleeping in our camp trailer in the heat.
At the same time, she’s so head strong, brave, daring, adventurous, and precocious. She always wants to be able to do what the bigger girls do, and hates to be left out. This includes the adventures at the swimming pool – THE DIVING BOARD.
The same girl who melts my heart when she’s having her meltdowns and needs extra snuggle time is the same girl who gives me a heart attack when I look across the pool and see her DIVE off the diving board and swim to the side of the pool. Keep in mind she had already done this several time and she was pooped out. It was the LONGEST 21 seconds I’ve lived through for quite some time.
This is not the first time she has sent my heart into my throat, and I know it won’t be the last. I just hope my heart is strong enough to live through it. 🙂

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”