This is Luna. She is my parents’ dog theoretically, but she thinks she only belongs to my mom. ANYWAY, when my parents move their camp trailer over here to live on our property and build our house, Luna is going to come with them.
Luna can’t very well live on our land the way it is now – scrub brush, weeds, sand, and no fences. I am transplanting most of the plants I have here at our rental to our property, so I grabbed some of those, the tree starts I made, and some sod and made her a little yard. Aaron’s dad came over with his rototiller and got the ground ready for me, and he helped me lay the sod (Thank you, Mick!).
Eventually it will have a fence around it to help corral her. Not that she likes to wander, she’ll tell you how much of a good girl she is. As a matter of fact, I’m sure she would call it exploring and guarding her family – I’m sure the selective hearing she gets is all part of it, too.
I’m thinking that even after the house is done and my parent’s have moved back to Cove, that I will leave this little area as it is. I’ll probably put some hedges around it, make a little seating area, and form it into some sort of “Secret Garden” reading/sitting area. Suggestions?
P.S. We sign Monday (5/19), start work Tuesday!!! YAY!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”