I don’t even know how to express how I feel about this image of Emma ~ she is growing up so fast it seems as if my head is spinning. She’s now what society is calling a “tween”, not a child anymore, but not yet a teenager. I don’t like that; my baby is getting too big. It means many first for her near future ~ joys and heartaches. I don’t want her to be hurt, but I know she will be. I want her to have all the fun in the world, but I know she won’t always enjoy what she’s doing.
I want her to grow up knowing she was loved and treasured more than anything on earth, and that I will support her always.
I never mind getting older until I realize that it means my girls are getting older which means they are going to have to learn how to do more things on their own and not be so dependent on me and that is bittersweet.
I love my Taterbug, the little girl that helped this little girl grow up.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”