I have started working on a project for a group of organizations in La Grande and Harley, Reagan, and I spent most of this past week at my mom & dad’s in Cove. The girls got to hang out with their cousins (my nephews and neice) at Riverside Park, and had a blast playing together.
Harley & Konrad on the tire swing ~ those two were “tire”less on it (sorry for the pun, I know it was bad):
My neice, Lillian, who is 15 months old:
We didn’t get to stay at the park as long as any of us would have liked because the sky opened up at let loose with a storm. The clouds were absolutely GORGEOUS, though:
That night when we got back to Mom & Dad’s, Reagan tracked in some chunks of mud. I asked her to pick them up and put them outside. She worked on it for a little bit, then came into the kitchen and said, “Nana, I got the big chunks, now you have to sweep up the rest.” Uh, no, now, for being a smart-mouth, you get to vacuum the whole floor (she didn’t really like vacuuming much):
Before we left Thursday, we met up with my parents at Riverside Park again, this time for the Hospital’s employee appreciation picnic. The girls had a blast getting tattoos, in the cake walk, and playing with the ponies. This colt was pretty young, and just loved having the girls scratch his hears and nose.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”