There’s lots of change going on at our property with our Dream Home Construction. Check it out HERE. AmyNature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist. To borrow a phrase...Read More
Remember earlier this summer when I posted about the Flora & Fauna at our property? I talked about the bank swallows that had made a phenomenal number of nests in the bank we would eventually ha...Read More
When Emma got her braces off, I posted that she would eventually have veneers put on her top teeth that were just a little too small. She finally got to have that done last week, so now her beautifu...Read More
Each day when we are done working, we take off our toolbelts and put them away – hanging them on temporary nails in studs inside the house. My mom & I both thought that all our toolbelts ...Read More
Have I ever mentioned that I’m afraid of heights? Seriously. I. HATE. HEIGHTS. Unfortunately (or fortunately, however you look at it), building a house yourself means you have to do some t...Read More
I decided to post a picture of all the tools we’ve been using a lot. Believe it or not, I have actually heard some of these slang names being used on our jobsite. I’ll give you a quick...Read More
We’ve all been working very hard on our new house, even the girls and dogs. The dogs, Tod and Luna, are GREAT worker dogs. They come down from the trailers every day and hang out in the sh...Read More
I’ve posted an update and pictures of our home construction. If you’re interested, check here. AmyNature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist. To borrow a phrase...Read More
The girls have been GREAT about spending time on a construction zone. They’ve found ways to entertain themselves even when there isn’t much for them to do. They’ve been awesome! ...Read More
We have a lot of wildlife at our property. There are quail and their babies everywhere, coyotes, finches, snakes, you name it. In order to build, we had to cut away tons (literally) of dirt in the p...Read More
I figured that just because we’re going to be building a house and doing a lot of construction this summer doesn’t mean I can’t do it with style. I found this nifty little package on...Read More