Our Spring Break was so laid back, relaxed, and UNPLANNED. The entire week, we only had two things planned – Harley & Katelyn had their Range Day test for Hunter’s Safety, and we went ...Read More
We’ve finally made up our minds, and the plans have been ordered! Here are a couple of pictures of our dream home! Front View: Back View: In just a few short months, this will be our reality!...Read More
According to Lucinda Vardey, in Mother Teresa: A Simple Path, there was “a sign on the wall of Shishu Bhavan, the children’s home in Calcutta.” This is what the sign said: People are...Read More
This has been a tough week. That’s all I’m going to say about it. But, true to form, there is ALWAYS a silver lining to every rain cloud. I have such a blessed, wonderful life, and I take ...Read More
Today, six years ago, I became a mother. Again. Harley became a big sister for the very first time. Emma had her third sister – and she was peeved the new baby was a sister, let me tell you (she...Read More
By Alien Bees! I have finally purchased a photography light (a B1600 from Alien Bees)! I’m so excited! I’ve been wanting one for a very long time, but have never been able to get one. My B...Read More
I know this picture looks pretty bland, especially with the non-existent plants, but to me, it’s progress. GREAT progress. The flags are the outline of the house we’re going to be building...Read More
Harley has been working hard all year to earn her Self Manager button, and she finally made it! She received her button and bumper sticker Tuesday morning during a Student Body Assembly. She was thril...Read More
I had a WONDERFUL weekend! I spent time with great friends, relaxed, and learned a lot. I saw a part of the country I had only ever seen from an airplane before. Utah is beautiful, and I can’t w...Read More
I left Cove this morning at 7:15 a.m. our time, and we pulled into our hotel in Salt Lake City at 4:00 p.m. our time. Carrie, Kathy, and I had a great drive (though I must admit I slept most of the wa...Read More
al·most Pronunciation: ˈȯl-ˌmōst, ȯl-ˈFunction: adverbDefinition: very nearly but not exactly or entirely Today was almost my birthday. Nearly, but not exactly. I actually wasn’t due fo...Read More