This weekend was the opening weekend of archery season, and throughout the weekend as I was taking pictures and watching our girlies, I just *knew* I’d be posting tonight about all our adventure...Read More
Morrow County Fair was two weeks ago, and I am just now getting around to posting about it. I kind of feel guilty about it, but I am trying really hard not to. When I think of exactly how busy the...Read More
Sunday we decided to take our camp trailer to the mountains so its up there and ready for archery season. Aaron and I loaded up the three girlies, and we headed off for a drive and a picnic. Once ...Read More
Our kitchen cabinets were delivered last week, and I couldn’t wait to open them up to see how they looked. I. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. THEM. They are even more beautiful in real lilfe tha...Read More
After working so very hard to get the roof sheathing on, we started working on the actual roofing. Tom got started on it before we hired a contractor, and then our roofers came in and whipped the ...Read More
We had to dig really deep into our property for the foundation of our house because we have a height restriction – to protect the view of the house above us. In the process of digging so far d...Read More
Our driveway is finally finished, and it looks great! There is a pavement apron where the driveway connects to the county road, and the rest is gravel. We can’t wait until the day we can...Read More
When Emma got her braces off, I posted that she would eventually have veneers put on her top teeth that were just a little too small. She finally got to have that done last week, so now her beautifu...Read More
Wow!, we’ve had a crazy couple of weeks! I’ve gone back to work for a new school year. Emma worked really hard to get her lamb ready for fair, and then she went to fair. Harley and R...Read More
Each day when we are done working, we take off our toolbelts and put them away – hanging them on temporary nails in studs inside the house. My mom & I both thought that all our toolbelts ...Read More
And A LOT has been accomplished! It was the last full week I had off work, so we worked really hard trying to get a few things buttoned up before I go back to work tomorrow. We got the start of our ...Read More
Have I ever mentioned that I’m afraid of heights? Seriously. I. HATE. HEIGHTS. Unfortunately (or fortunately, however you look at it), building a house yourself means you have to do some t...Read More