I often wonder if maybe Tod’s family genetic tree doesn’t have very many branches . . . Recently when I drove to Heppner to pick Emma up for the weekend, I took him with me because he love...Read More
My copy of the Pioneer Woman’s cookbook arrived today! I’ve skimmed it, and read a couple stories. I can’t wait to have more time to really go throut it and read it!...Read More
It seems as though we have spent this Fall chasing Emma and the Heppner Mustang Volleyball team all over tim-buk-tu and back, and that she is the only one of our children involved in any activities. ...Read More
This year we elected to have someone else take our family pictures, and I have to say, it was THE BEST DECISION EVER!! Shannon at Defining Details was smooth, eficient, and SO very easy to work with...Read More
Lyndsie is a Senior at Pendleton High School. She is so very sweet, adventurous, and fun! She’s a three-sport athlete, and will more than likely continue her athletic career in college....Read More
Eleven years ago yesterday, I became a mother for the second time. Harley was a struggle from day one. I had a rough pregnancy with her – starting with pre-term labor at 29 weeks, bedrest fo...Read More
In our house, Fall brings many routine events – new school clothes, school supplies, immunizations (if needed), and visits to the eye doctor. Last year when we went, Reagan’s eyesight wa...Read More
Tuesday we had five new additions to our family – three girls and two boys. Tod and Susie had their puppies. Unfortunately, Monday, my parents had to put their sweet, beautiful Luna-girl to...Read More
Hunting season is almost over, and we have really enjoyed our time in the mountains. We have only had the girls with us two of the weekends. Last weekend, we went on a VERY long drive (5 hours), a...Read More