Remember THIS post, where I talked about the sad state of my office, and the plans I had for it? Today, I completed the first stage of re-doing/organizing it, and it took FOREVER! I gutted it and put ...Read More
These little quizzes are pretty goofy, but sometimes my mind just needs a break and I need to do something easy. At times, my mind is so cluttered with thoughts I have to do something simple like th...Read More
My dad is a woodworker. He has been making things out of wood for as long as I can remember. Most of the stuff he made while Erika and I were growing up looked nice, but was built more for fun...Read More
Post-A-Day 2011: Go to your drafts folder and finish an old post We’re almost done with month 3 here at daily post. I’m sure you have a post, or six, that you started but never quite finished. T...Read More
I have never had a “little black dress”, and I have always wanted one. In the 15+ years I have been searching for one, I have never been able to find one that met all the criteria I have...Read More
Our kitties. Tess is the short hair. She is mellow, she loves to follow us around the yard, and she LOVES to be petted! Mostly, Tess just likes to hang out and relax. Tess Sassy is the longhair. ...Read More
That’s what this big fellow seems to be saying to the world. Today, I second that feeling! Not for any particular reason, just because it’s one of those days. No matter what happens...Read More
Into the secret life of our girls. Not that their lives are secret from us, but there are some things we just don’t normally see because they’re with their friends. The girls have my o...Read More
Reagan has been asking for a haircut since around Christmas-time. For one reason or another, we haven’t been able to get it done. Brenda and I were kind of avoiding it because we love being ...Read More
My girl. Emma Kate. Her dad & step-mom, Jess & Staci, and Aaron & I are always so proud of her. She is a beautiful person – inside and out, she is a great friend, and most importan...Read More
Jessica is a beautiful girl inside and out. We had to reschedule several times because of weather and me being sick, and I am so glad because today was just perfect!...Read More