Teenagers Pre-pubescent Girls Drama Queens Whining Arguments Did I mention Pre-pubescent Girls? Husbands Drama, Drama, Drama Complaints About EVERY MEAL I MAKE! I’m sure I mentioned Pre-pubescen...Read More
We’re still here, alive and kicking! We have been so busy working on the House Construction that I have hardly had time to down load the camera, let alone post what is going on in our lives. ...Read More
This weekend was the opening weekend of archery season, and throughout the weekend as I was taking pictures and watching our girlies, I just *knew* I’d be posting tonight about all our adventure...Read More
According to Lucinda Vardey, in Mother Teresa: A Simple Path, there was “a sign on the wall of Shishu Bhavan, the children’s home in Calcutta.” This is what the sign said: People are...Read More
This has been a tough week. That’s all I’m going to say about it. But, true to form, there is ALWAYS a silver lining to every rain cloud. I have such a blessed, wonderful life, and I take ...Read More
al·most Pronunciation: ˈȯl-ˌmōst, ȯl-ˈFunction: adverbDefinition: very nearly but not exactly or entirely Today was almost my birthday. Nearly, but not exactly. I actually wasn’t due fo...Read More
No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible. Voltaire Have you ever noticed on the side panel of my blog there is a “Nature Quote of the Day” section? The above quote was there tod...Read More
I got this message today, and I LOVE it! I thought I’d pass it along to everyone I know. A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did...Read More
I got this message today, and I LOVE it! I thought I’d pass it along to everyone I know. A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did...Read More
Are YOU passionate? I AM PASSIONATE!I am passionate about many things: my kids, my husband, my parents, my photography, and raising awareness for breast cancer research and education. At some point in...Read More
Grateful for the dear friends I have, new, and old. Blessed by the beauty around me, my life, and my family. Happy to be alive, healthy, and rich with love. I have said before how thankful I am for Li...Read More
Grateful for the dear friends I have, new, and old. Blessed by the beauty around me, my life, and my family. Happy to be alive, healthy, and rich with love. I have said before how thankful I am for Li...Read More