Morrow County Fair was two weeks ago, and I am just now getting around to posting about it. I kind of feel guilty about it, but I am trying really hard not to. When I think of exactly how busy the past two weeks have been, I can’t possibly bring myself to feel guilty for long.
Emma showed lambs again this year. Confirmation first on Thursday, then Showmanship on Friday. I had a great surprise when Emma was showing during confirmation – my neice, Breena, was showing during the same round. It was great to be able to watch them both at the same time!
Two of my favorite girls right next to each other.
Emma earned a blue ribbon, and Breena earned Reserve Champion. We’re very proud of both of them!
Unfrotunately, on Friday, I didn’t make it to the fair in time to watch Emma show. I was walking into the barn as she was walking out of the ring. I was so disappointed I missed her showing.
This is Ryan. She’s Emma’s friend. She’s also Harley & Reagan’s cousin. She is a sweetheart.
One of the things I like most about the fair is the Pee Wee sheep show. Kids who are too young for 4-H are allowed to come in and show a 4-H-ers lamb. Emma’s little sister, Shayna, and Breena’s sister, Brooke, both showed Pee Wee. And they both received help from their big sisters. The judge even singled out Brooke, saying that she was really good and that she could have beaten quite a few of the older kids that day!
Once again, another fair is gone, animals are sold, and we’ve recovered.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”