When Emma got her braces off, I posted that she would eventually have veneers put on her top teeth that were just a little too small. She finally got to have that done last week, so now her beautiful smile is perfect without any gaps! I am amazed each and every day at the beautiful young lady she is turning into.
A tradition at my parent’s house is the seasonal strand of lights on display on their front porch. In the winter it has Christmas light covers, near Valentine’s Day – hearts, etc. My mom found a set of Airstream Trailers, and they already had the Tonka toys, so those two sets of covers combined are hangin on the outside of their trailer while they help us build our house. Since they are living in their trailer and we’re working construction, Mom thought they were perfect!
I hate it when the summer dries out and we all have to start being very careful with campfires and other igniting sources; however, the smoke in the air from all the forest fires produces some absolutely stunning sunsets! I love the vivid colors and beauty.
Among other things, one downside to living in a camp trailer is that whenever you cook, it gets really really hot inside it. My mom has adapted by cooking everything on the bar-b-que grill – and I mean EVERYTHING! We’ve had roast chicken, spaghetti, lasagna, and she and Reagan even baked some cookies on the grill one evening. I guess when you’re faced with situations like this, you learn to be resourseful and inventive . . . .
Finally, just a couple fun shots from our construction progress. Tom and my mom took a break before dinner one night to relax while we finished up some work on the house, the girls are still going strong playing in the piles of sand, and Tod still follows everyone everywhere and now both his ears are up all the time so we’ve nicknamed him “bat dog”.
After a hard day of work at our property, we all came to our house to cool off, relax, and grab showers. Apparently, the dogs were pooped, too, because they were sound asleep all evening. For some reason, Tod loves to be on top of Luna, and she doesn’t seem to mind. I think Luna has claimed Tod as her “pet”. As far as Tod, since his best friends are a great dane and a golden retriever, we’ve come to the conclusion that he thinks he’s a big dog. Seriously. He doesn’t act at all like a little dog – except when he needs to snuggle with Luna. 😉
I am worried what Tod will think when we’re done building our house and Luna goes back to Cove with my parents. Ever since we’ve had him, Luna has been around; he’s not going to know what to think when he doesn’t get to see her every day anymore. I’m sure we’ll get another dog once we’re in our house, but I just don’t know if it will be the same for him.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”