Wow!, we’ve had a crazy couple of weeks! I’ve gone back to work for a new school year. Emma worked really hard to get her lamb ready for fair, and then she went to fair. Harley and Reagan got to spend a week in Heppner with their grandma. Katelyn spent a lot of time at her grandparents’ houses. We celebrated our anniversary. We lived our lives. Oh yeah, and we worked a lot on that pesky little project we’ve been working on – The Tolar Dream Home. I have tons of pictures, and tons of thoughts in my head, but I’m going to break it down a post or two at a time.
While Harley and Reagan were in Heppner at their grandma’s house, they got to go out to the ranch and spend a day with Emma and her other sister and brother. They had a great time riding the four-wheelers, playing, walking the lambs, and running wild. I love that they are welcome out there, and that Jess & Staci include them from time to time. Apparently, though, they’re both little daredevils, and REALLY loved the 4-Wheelers.
Emma started the summer with two lambs to show at the fair, but one of her lambs was attacked by dogs and had to be doctored, so she wasn’t able to show him. Fortunately for her, she was able to sell him before fair even began, and the injuries didn’t kill him or ruin the meat, so she’s not out any money. This is Gizmo. He’s had his haircut (been sheared) and he’s all prettied up ready to show off for her.
I guess Yorkies were orginally used for hunting rats and other vermin in England. I’m guessing that genetic trait hasn’t been bred out of Tod because the other day at the property, he caught himself a mouse. He was pretty proud of his accomplishment, and was eager to show it to us. He wasn’t very happy with Aaron, though, when he took the mouse away and got rid of it. What a good hunter-dog (said, of course, in a goofy voice meant for doggies). 🙂
One thing I have been amazed at is his energy. I call him the “spaz” dog all the time, but that, too, it appears is a Yorkie trait. Check out this description of their personalities:
Yorkshire Terriers are alert, vivacious, playful, charming and clever. They don’t need a lot of excercise but do like to run and play. Despite its little size the Yorkie is fearless, saucy and always eager for challenges. They defend their territory and are excellent watchdog.
Saucy? Absolutely! Fearless? Does jumping out of the window of a moving pick-up count as fearless? And of course, he is alert, vivacious, and playful, not to mention charming and clever.
Until next time . . .

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”