All three of my girls had to have special dresses this spring, and they all managed to pick separate colors without really seeing any of the other girls’. Emma needed a dress for her Senior Prom, Harley’s was for her 8th Grade Graduation dance, and Reagan needed one for the May Day celebration.
Since all their dresses were so alike, I asked them all to dress up and take a nice picture for me on Mother’s Day. It’s the only thing I wanted for Mother’s Day this year. I always do a double-take when I look at my girls because I am so in awe that they are actually mine and something I helped create. They are so beautiful, loving, and full of fun, and they bring me more happiness than I could ever have imagined.
What I found really funny was that while I was taking a couple pictures of Emma, Harley and Reagan occupied themselves in their normal way – looking for frogs in the pond – without any regard as to how they were dressed.
I am a lucky mama!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”