Our Spring Break was so laid back, relaxed, and UNPLANNED. The entire week, we only had two things planned – Harley & Katelyn had their Range Day test for Hunter’s Safety, and we went to my parents’ house in Cove for Easter. It was so fun to just “be”.
Saturday morning Aaron, Harley, and Katelyn headed to the range for their range tests. The girls did GREAT, and they both passed and are now qualified to hunt in Oregon! Aaron said they both did such a great job, and they both remembered their lessons. It is so odd, to me, to realize they are both old enough to be hunting. I love that they are so into it right now and that they’re not “too cool” to still like to do what Mom & Dad do. Teaching them to handle firearms was mostly easy, but for the two of us right-handers, teaching Harley to shoot was difficult because she shoots left-handed.
While the three of them were at the range, Emma, Reagan, and I just headed straight to Cove. We got there in time for Nana to take Reagan to the Easter Egg Hunt put on by the Masons at the Ascension School. She had a blast, and her basket was almost overflowing with eggs!
My sister, Erika, and her family came over Easter Sunday to visit. My Dad and Aaron went to the school playground and hid all the eggs the girls had dyed the night before. All 10 kids got into the action, even the twins and Lillian! They had a great time finding all the unique places Papa and Aaron found to hide the eggs. When they went back to the playground on their own later that afternoon, they thought it was really funny that they found a couple more eggs they hadn’t found earlier in the day.
Aaron had to head home Sunday to be able to come back to work, but the girls and I stayed through most of the rest of the week. The girls and I came home Thursday afternoon and we spent the rest of the week together enjoying our family. And, even though I’m sure at least one of the girls (Emma) would have loved to have a shopping trip to Tri-Cities thrown in there somewhere, I really don’t think any of us would have change our week one little bit – it was just perfect!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”