I have a wireless remote for my camera that I have never used. Last night, after I hiked to where I was going to set up to hunt, I played with it a little. I really like it. It works up to 5 yards away, so I could set up my camera and take pictures from quite some distance away.
This is the image of me right before I had the BEST night of hunting I’ve EVER had!
I was sitting in my blind last night. Three cows came out of the brush from BEHIND me. One on my right and two on my left. The one on my right was LESS THAN 10 FEET AWAY! It was so awesome! The two on my left were 15 yards away. They were there for about 20 minutes. One of the ones on my left stood broadside to me the entire time (perfect for shooting), and the one on my right stayed right where she was. They would eat a little, look around, eat a little, and look around some more. They never knew I was even there
I was shaking so hard, it was crazy ~ the adrenaline rush was fantastic. I didn’t kill any of them. My bow was pointing perfectly towards the one standing broadside. The problem was the cow to my right. Every time I was ready to draw back, she was staring straight at me. When she looked away, the broadside cow would look at me. I was STUCK! Finally after about 20 minutes, they started to wander off. I cow-called to try to bring them back, but that made them run more quickly.
Jason was sitting about 100 yards below me, and heard the whole thing. He said he got out his knife & started sharpening it because “I KNEW you were going to kill one!”. He said after they took off it was almost impossible to sit still and not come find out what happened.
What an awesome experience ~ elk are such incredible beasts anyway, but to have them that close to you and not even realize you are there. If I don’t even see another elk this season, last night completely made my year. I am thrilled.
I had to drive home last night because I had two photo shoots today (see my Business Blog), and I was still on such an adrenaline high when I got home I could barely sleep! I think I had the shakes for hours afterwards!
I can’t wait to be done taking pictures today so I can get right back up there! Look out elk, here comes Amy!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”