Sometimes I feel like I’m always trying to play catch up, that life is just flying by & I’m hanging on by a string! Don’t get me wrong, I love being busy & following my munchkins everywhere, I just can’t figure out where all the time is going! I can’t believe it’s only been a week since I posted last, it seems like ages.
I worked in an ELL (English Language Learners) classroom last week as an Ed. Assistant. I had a great time, and the kids were great ~ 5th & 6th graders. Tuesday, I start full-time at Irrigon High School as an Ed. Asst. until the end of the school year. I am really looking forward to getting out of the house and being back on a set schedule again. My OCD/Type-A brain really needs it! LOL!
Harley & Katelyn had their first T-Ball game this morning, and it was a ton of fun unexpectedly. I was not looking forward to watching T-Ball, but it ended up being pretty entertaining & fun!
Emma had her range day for her Hunter’s Safety Course this morning, too, so she & I spent time at the range getting her “certified” to hunt. She had a blast!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”