I was wandering through a store yesterday, and I ran across these ornaments. Until then I had never thought about our doggies being represented on our tree. The ornaments are ugly-cute, just like our doggies ( 🙂 ), and they’re just perfect! They each have their name on one, just like the family ornaments we get each year.
Every year each of us gets a new ornament to hang on the tree. Some years we get ornaments from trips – we each have one from Disneyland from the year we went, some are from special events in our lives – like the old-fashioned glass hammers we got the year we built our house, and some years, they’re just a unique ornament I find in a store some where. Some times we each get a different ornament, and some times we get the same one. Most of our ornaments are nature-inspired, and this year we all got the same one – a bronze and gold butterfly.
I love it, I love that each year the girls get a new ornament that will eventually become a collection for their first trees away from home, and I love that we have established this tradition.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”