Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.
~St Francis de Sales
July is usually my “ME” month. It is the month I am off from work at the School District. Other than spending time with my girlies and Aaron, I usually don’t plan a whole lot of different activities. We may go camping, or to the pool for the day, but we don’t plan any major activities. I am kind of selfish, and I just refuse to be overscheduled.
Unfortunately for my selfish side, this July was quite different. We didn’t plan tons of activities, and actually the only activity that was on the calendar was the girls’ daily swimming lessons. You would think this would provide lots of free time – not so. This year, we got a really late start on 4-H projects, so the month of July was jam packed with sewing, cooking, and photography projects. We spent one day in Cove with my parents (when I made blackberry jelly with Harley), but we didn’t take any other trips. I don’t mind how crazy busy my month was because we had such a good time with all our activities, but I do miss the opportunity I usually have to relax.
I saw the hummingbird moth in the picture above following a frantic, hectic pace, but I realized quickly that even though the moth was traveling at nearly the speed of light it was just going about it’s business as usual. Even though it looked frenzied to me, it was just following it’s normal day-to-day life. Then I found the quote above, I realized it expressed exactly what I thought of when I saw the hummingbird moth.
Every day life. Hectic. Frenzied. Busy.
This school year, I am going to strive to conduct my day-to-day activities in a quiet, unhurried manner with a calm spirit.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”