Easter at our house was very quiet this year. The girls were all at their other parents’ houses, so Aaron and I enjoyed some quiet time together. The Easter Bunny did leave treats for the girls to find when they get home. Harley, Reagan, and I colored eggs Saturday afternoon. Once they got done, each of them made a design with their eggs.
I love that Spring is finally here. I love to see the plants budding, flowers starting to bloom, and the sun out most of the time! Emma and her step-mom, Staci, gave the girls a lilac last spring, and I wasn’t expecting it to bloom for a couple of years. It is completely covered with flower buds, and there are so many I think the flowers will weigh down the branches when they bloom. Aaron’s aunt Cathy gave us an African Violet, and it is beautiful. I was worried I would kill it, though, because I had heard they’re tempermental plants, and I DO NOT have green thumb! I was surprised today when I walked by it and noticed that it was blooming. I hadn’t ever seen one bloom before, and it is so pretty!
Unfortunately, Susie does not produce enough milk to sustain a litter of puppies – a fact we didn’t find out until we’d lost most of the litter. This little girl is the only one left of the original seven (yes, seven – four is a large litter for yorkies). We’re not positive what we’ll name her yet – the girls and I are leaning towards Lola, but we’re not going to give her up. Thankfuly Tod and Susie won’t be having any more litters and we won’t have to go through this again. She’s a cute little bug, and at four weeks old is just starting to get around and show her personality.
I am looking forward to a busy, but good, week at work and school for all of us.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”