Welcome to To Do Tuesday – May 29
Christine at Stitch ALL The Things hosts To Do Tuesday. TDT is a great weekly motivator to finish projects and (for me) to keep my To Do List manageable.
My list from May 22:
1. Continue with Me Made May
2. Work-In-Progress TBD
3. Mily Mae Fabrics Promotions
HUGE milestones happened this week! Todd finished building the storage in the new shed, Reagan helped me paint the new shed, we moved out of the old shed, and Todd & Reagan tore that sucker down. After hauling the old shed pieces to Todd’s parent’s house & burn pile, we finally have a clear yard again! After a little clean-up this week, our yard will be ready for Terrance’s graduation party Saturday.
Which brings me to the next milestone. This guy finished high school last week, and will soon be on to bigger, better things. We are super proud of you, Terrance!
The final milestone of the week was this amazing lady’s 70th birthday! My mom is a badass, literally. She organized a work-out for her celebration, and she did 7 rounds of 100 reps for 700 reps total!!! A large group started with her, but only our friend Andy, my dad, and my niece, Lillian, finished with her. She’s the bomb.com.
Now, on to my list.
1. Continue with Me Made May
Another week of Me Made May is over, and as we begin the final stretch, I am thrilled to say I have worn at least one item I’ve made myself every single day this month! Details for each day are my Sea of Estrogen Instagram page.
Week 4:
2. Work-In-Progress TBD
We have been so busy working on the shed and in the yard getting ready for graduation that I haven’t had much time to sew, and what I have worked on was new projects, not WIPs.
3. Mily Mae Fabrics Promotions
I received a package from Amanda with this gorgeous turquoise tie dye double brushed poly in it, so I made myself a Patterns for Pirates Boho Babydoll.
This week’s to-do list:
1. Continue with Me Made May
2. Work-In-Progress TBD
3. Mily Mae Fabrics Promotions
Are you working on anything fun this week?

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”
Wow, huge progress last week! Your mom is absolutely badass! Happy 70th to her!! Congrats to Terrance on his graduation!
Thank you! Best of luck to you with graduation, as well!