Aaron had surgery on his eyes Thursday. He’s been wanting to have LASIK surgery for many many years, and we were finally able to have it done. Unfortunately, Aaron didn’t have enough corneal tissue to have a second surgery if it were required if he were to have LASIK surgery, so he had a procedure called PRK instead, which would allow for a second surgery if necessary. PRK is a much more painful option, and it has a much longer healing time. Aaron has been doing well, though he’s been in quite a bit of pain. He had a re-check appointment Friday afternoon, and he was already seeing 20/30; much better than the legally blind he was prior to surgery.
Clowning around in the pre-op waiting room.
Dr. Mockovak and his two assistants. If you look really close, you can see Aaron’s eye on the computer screen.
The surgery center really tries to keep you relaxed during surgery. They give you Valium prior to surgery, and they give you a nice, big, lovable stuffed animal “Seymour” to hug on during surgery. I just couldn’t resist taking this picture! Isn’t it sweet?!?!? 🙂
Finally, on our way home!
Thursday night, IHS hosted Donkey Basketball. There were four teams, IHS Staff, IHS Students, Knights Pride Booster Club, and the Irrigon Fire Department. The Fire Department won the whole she-bang. I participated on the staff team, and I had a blast! Amazingly enough, it was a huge workout, and I was completely worn out afterwords! At one point, I was trying to jump on my donkey, and I jumped a little too aggressively – I landed on the donkey, and then proceeded to sail right over the other side right onto my back on the gym floor! It’s probably a good thing I was wearing a helmet because I smacked pretty hard (besides, I’m already ditzy enough).
I don’t have any pictures of me participating, but I do have this one of our PE teacher, Erich Harjo.
Finally, here’s our niece, Breena working REALLY REALLY hard to get to the ball before someone on the opposing team gets it!
We have had a very busy weekend already, and I can’t wait to post about the rest of it soon!

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”