When I was a Freshman in high school and my sister, Erika, was in the Seventh grade, we had an exchange student from Turkey live with us. Her name was/is Zeynep. That year was one of the most memorable of my entire childhood. Zeynep, Erika, and I became close, and we are in contact still today. She was the other sister, which technically made me the middle child for that year and every year after. Mom and Dad are just that, Mom and Dad. Zeynep is now living in Colorado with her husband and daughters, and we stay in touch through Facebook and e-mails.
Recently she posted a couple of pictures from “back in the day”, and they crack me up – seriously!
This first one was just some random dinner at our house. See that hutch in the background? That is the very same one I talked about in THIS post. I can see my summer swim team picture sitting on the top of it, family pictures tucked into the windows on the doors, and my mom’s china inside. From left to right are Mom, Me, Amy Crabtree, Erika, and Dad.
I’m not positive why we are all dressed up here, but Zeynep thought it was Easter 1988. The dresses Erika, Zeynep, and I have on we all bought on a trip to Tijuana during Spring Break. We had gone to Camp Pendleton to visit my aunt and uncle wo were stationed there. Ignore the bad 80s hair, take off my hideous glasses, and you might actually have a picture of Emma Kate.
Here’s the kicker picture . . . See that little boy in the middle? His name is AJ. When he grew up, he magically transformed into a young lady named Amy Jeanette (whose mom still calls her AJ from time to time). He/She thought the baby blue “Sally Jesse” glasses were stylin’!
Lucky for us, we have all grown up, gotten older, and became wiser. I think we’re a fair lookin’ group these days! It is always fun looking back at pictures like this and recalling the memories that go along with the pictures. I love it!
This first picture is a recent one of Zeynep and her family. She is beautiful, and her girls are adorable!
Mom and Dad (you’ve seen this picture many times over the past couple years, but I really do love it because it is just “them”.
And, finally The Middle Child and The Baby.
I can’t wait to find out what memories will come drifting out of nowhere next.

Nature Girl. Mom. Wife. Friend. Photographer. Sewer. Crafter. Artist.
To borrow a phrase – “Yeet Ye Riche”